Cluttered cabinets—in the kitchen or the bathroom— are annoying, to say the least. Nothing is where you need it to be. Disorganized is an understatement. And, Heaven forbid a guest open that pantry door. If your home’s cabinets are in a bit of disarray, fear not. Here are 8 storage solutions for cluttered cabinets you can implement now.

1. Add an over-the-door organizer.
If you have a kitchen pantry, you have a lot of space—but are you using it to its advantage? Add an over-the-door organizer (yes, like a shoe tree) to easily store loose snacks. No more piles of granola bars or extra Cheetos floating around waiting to be crushed—take charge of your pantry.
2. Use baskets.
Baskets can help you sort similar food items and kitchen utensils when organizing your cluttered kitchen cabinets. When organizing the bathroom, choose a basket for hair products, shower extras, and styling tools if you live alone. Have a family? Sort your bathroom baskets by family members—this way no one loses their favorite toothpaste or hair tie!
3. Add hooks for your coffee mugs.
Are your kitchen cabinets full of unused coffee mugs? Install hooks to the cabinet’s interior. Choose your favorite mugs to put on displace; purge the rest.
4. Make the most of your vertical space.
Have tall cabinets in your kitchen or bathroom? Make the most of your vertical space. Add additional shelving to create more “floor” space between permanent shelves—this will give you room to store more plates, cups, and kitchen necessities.
5. Put everyday items at eye-level.
Whatever you use regularly, put them in a cabinet at eye-level. You’re more likely to tidy the areas you can see—plus, it will allow you easier access to the items you need daily.
6. Store in labeled containers.
Truly organized cabinets feature labeled storage boxes for whatever you’re organizing. Clunky, store-bought cereal boxes and processed packaging fits oddly into your space—but personalized storage boxes will work just fine. Transfer your items into personalized boxes for your cabinet space, then label accordingly.
7. Keep Tupperware lids in their own box.
Overflowing Tupperware is the culprit for many disorganized cabinet spaces. To avoid this issue, stack Tupperware together, but separate the lids. Lids can be stored collectively in one Tupperware container to avoid a mess.
8. Turn to Storage Theory for everything else.
When it comes to home organization, Storage Theory has you covered. We offer innovative home organization products for a variety of needs. Shop our storage solutions here.