Hannah Montana once ever-so-famously quoted "Everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days". She was undoubtedly speaking the truth, because everybody does make mistakes. Whether it is mistakes while cleaning, while working, while parenting....$h!t happens. The trick with mistakes is to learn from them, to change from them, and to do better next time. So basically what I'm saying here is that you have no excuses after reading this blog to not "do better" next time when cleaning your home...game on.

Mistake #1: Putting Your Toilet Brush Right Back in The Holder
Moisture breeds bacteria, so it's very important to let your toilet brush dry before completely stashing it. This is going to prevent mold and more bacteria to attach to the bristles. Try propping the brush over your toilet to let it dry completely before next use.

Mistake #2: Considering a Rinsed Sponge "Clean"
Because food and bacteria hide in a sponge’s crevices, a water rinse isn’t enough. So once or twice a week, toss sponges into the top rack of the dishwasher, or heat them (while wet) in the microwave for two minutes.
Mistake #3: Washing Windows on a Sunny Day
Glass cleaner dries up much more quickly in direct sunlight, resulting in streaks on window panes. That’s why, in any season, the ideal time to clean windows is late afternoon or evening, or when the skies are overcast.

Mistake #4: Not Cleaning Your Kitchen Sink
Wet and dark, the sink is a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. Even worse...germs can spread to items left to accumulate there. Next time you are cleaning the dishes or stacking dirty dishes , don't forget to clean out the sink when you are done!
Mistake #5: You Don't Freshen Up The Garbage Disposal
It may seem like your garbage disposal magically, well, disposes of all your food remnants, but little chunks of food can remain behind (similar to how your blender's blades get tiny pieces stuck on them). Try running white vinegar and ice cubes or citrus rinds and cold water down the drain next time you dispose food.

Mistake #6: You Put Sharp Knives in The Dishwasher
Sharp knives—especially those with wooden handles—shouldn’t go in the dishwasher. Each wash dulls and takes years off the knife. (Your dishwasher likely cleans with far more power than the knife needs). Hand wash knives (excluding those from your silverware) to prolong their longevity and keep their sharpness.
Mistake #7: Neglecting Your Biggest Touch Points
Light switches, faucets, refrigerator handles, remotes, trash can lids...all of these places are some of the most touched areas in your home. Don't forget to wipe them down with some disinfectant spray on cleaning day.