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Storage Theory — housewares

17+ Things You Should DO Everyday To KEEP Your Life on TRACK

Posted by David Adamson on

Sometimes life just becomes way too overwhelming. Therefore you may start to fall off the tracks or break free of your daily routine. It's understandable, really. It happens to everyone. But, the consequences of life getting in the way can be detrimental to your overall health and well being. Use these 17+ tips to help you get YOUR LIFE back on track, or maybe even on a better track than before.    TIP #1: DRINK WATER You're probably sick of hearing people say this...because it is so important. Try carrying a reusable water bottle with you and refilling it a...

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"I Was Making 7 HUGE Cleaning Mistakes WITHOUT Even Knowing It"

Posted by David Adamson on

Hannah Montana once ever-so-famously quoted "Everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days". She was undoubtedly speaking the truth, because everybody does make mistakes. Whether it is mistakes while cleaning, while working, while parenting....$h!t happens. The trick with mistakes is to learn from them, to change from them, and to do better next time. So basically what I'm saying here is that you have no excuses after reading this blog to not "do better" next time when cleaning your on.    Mistake #1: Putting Your Toilet Brush Right Back in The Holder Moisture breeds bacteria, so it's very important to...

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13 EASY Cleaning Tips For LAZY PEOPLE

Posted by David Adamson on

We could all use a few shortcuts when it comes to maintaining a tidy household...because honestly, who actually says that they love to clean?! Use these 13 "lazy people" proof tips to keep your home nice and clean...well at least as clean as it needs to be.   TIP #1: Spray a no-wipe  cleaner on your shower walls every time you's a win win situation!        TIP #2: Make a conscious effort to put something away every time you get up to go to a different part of your home.   TIP #3: Use Press 'N Seal wrap...

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11 SPECTACULAR Ways to Re-Organize YOUR Life

Posted by David Adamson on

I think we could all use a little bit more organization in our lives since the benefits of having an organized life are endless. Use these 11 tips to create more space in your life for the things you love, and less space for the things you don't.  Tip #1: Plan an Event at Your Home Most people get nervous about their friends and family coming to visit a messy home. By planning an event hosted in your own home, it is going to kick your butt in high gear to get your home clean and organized before anyone will...

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How To: Make YOUR Home Look 10x MORE Lively & Sophisticated on a Budget

Posted by David Adamson on

I think everyone can agree that one of the best feelings in the world is when your home is finally decorated the way you want it. The hard part is making your space look lively & sophisticated with a limited budget. The good news is, we have 8 simple tips to help you create the space of your dreams, even with a small chunk of change. The bad news is, your friends are going to be so jealous of your beautiful place that you are going to have to rave to them about this blog on Storage Theory that inspired...

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